Tides for Ocean Beach, updated daily
Francisco buoy, 40 min to one hour out for swells
Wind data
from Fort Funston
Personal Microcast (hourly winds)
Pt Reyes
9 band data plotted (java)
Spectral plot for Pt Reyes buoy
Closeup spectral plot for Pt Reyes buoy
California buoy is 12-15 hours, 14-17 sec swells - 270
degrees (buoy is down as of Sept 2005)
Outer Oregon buoy (450 naut. miles, 315 deg., 20 hrs for 14 sec
SE Papa buoy, 813 miles out (707 nmiles). 290 degrees.
32 hours for 14 second periods at 290 degrees.
(17 second, 27 hrs, 20 sec, 23 hours).
FACS buoy
summary (java)
Wind model data for
the Bay Area
Wind streaklines from
the model, for the Bay Area.
current fog coverage from wunderground
Check out our current fog coverage
Santa Cruz 9 band data plotted (java)
NWS marine forecast from NOAA/NDBC
NWS Marine forecast from NOAA
Tides from Baysail
Half Moon Bay buoy
Bodega buoy A look to our north - NW swells hit here first
Blunts reef buoy Further north North Coast buoy
Water Quality
Mateo County water quality
Santa Cruz water
SF Water Quality: Call 1-877-732-3224
SF Water Quality map