Raw spectral energy for our buoys for swell 8-9,
Nov 1-4 2001
San Francisco spectrum
California Buoy spectrum
SE Papa buoy spectrum
What the swell looked like at creation
These two swells were generated at the same time. The closer
fit the prominent late Oct storm pattern of eastern Gulf of
Alaska storms that were REALLY pounding the Pacific Northwest.
It had respectable pressure of 975 mBar and generated a 320
degree swell that peaked between 7-8 feet 17 sec, but spent
most of the first day at 6 ft 14 sec 320 degrees and faded
fast. The second just barely cleared the Aleutians, and then
was half clipped by the Aleutians, Its low of 965 mBar was
juxtaposed with a 1024 mBar high and a 20 second peak swell of
7-8 feet resulted. This one moved and continued to make swell.
Unfortunately, it arrived with white out conditions on the
first day, and bad afternoon winds.