Raw spectral energy for our buoys for swell 22,
Oct 29-31 2002
San Francisco spectrum
![HMB Buoy](buoys/46012_oct302002.png)
California buoy spectrum
![CA Buoy](buoys/46059_oct302002.png)
SE Papa buoy spectrum
![SE Papa Buoy](buoys/46006_oct302002.png)
What the swell looked like at creation
![SE Papa Buoy](oct272002.jpg)
What the swell looked like at creation
![QSCAT winds from SSMI](qscat_oct272002.png)
This was a storm that was further south than normal for this time
of year. It generated swell for about 60 hours, although
substantial 20 second energy for only about 12 hours, shown, on
Oct 27th. It came in weaker than expected at first (8-9 ft 20), and then
onshore winds pumped it up to 12 ft 17 seconds in the afternoon
on the 30th. The 31st was 8-9 ft 14 seconds all day, and it was
6 ft 13 sec on the 1st, but dropped during the day to 4 ft. The
onshores when it hit disrupted the normal size progression - it
didn't attenuate between the CA buoy and shore. Note also the SF
Buoy is out - this spectrum comes from the HMB Buoy.